Shyielle Yas

Shyielle grew up in The Black Shroud with her Kitsune mother Kiyomi and Lalafell father Lelehara. Having met in Kugane Lelehara took Kiyomi to Gridania in order to flee the garlean empire's scientist's and experiments. Once in the bows of the forest and with what money Lelehara had he was able to buy a small modest home. Nine months after a small wedding, Kiyomi gave birth to a very rare child, a Little Lalafellian girl, with large fox-like ears and a bushy fox tail, naming her Shyielle. In her formative years Lelehara taught her how to fight and maintain arms and armor, while Kiyomi taught her how to use her natural agility and what limited magical powers Shyielle inherited from her mother's blood.

For her 18th birthday Shyielle was given a scythe and chain shirt form her parents, made with her fathers sword and her mothers staff, a weapon that with her agility was easily wielded by her with what little training she had. The next day with her pack, scythe and armor Shyielle joined the Centurio hunt clan, taking hunt bills. After finding and slaying her first mark, Shyielle grew over confident of her abilities, not heeding the advice of more veteran hunters, the very next day Shyielle was out looking for a mark when the animals grew quit and the very forest itself grew tense, Shyielle being new to the region was unaware of what the Tension in the region meant. The next thing she knew, her body turned and began walking back to town with purpose, Shyielle tried to command her body but to no avail "Fear not mortal, you will suit my needs." a mans voice said in her head, crackling like thunder. 'No, I don't want to hurt people!' Shyielle pleaded in her mind, but the elder god Odin cared not for the pleases of mortals. Odin halted his advance as rows and rows of adventurers new and old, all with weapons at the ready. A man steps forward pointing his spear towards the Odin possessed Shyielle "You will release her from your clutches Dark One!" said the man who had given Shyielle the warning the day before. A large battle ensued many people falling, culminating in Shyielle being brought nearly to death, but with her aether being brough low, Odin was unable to stay tethered to Shyielle's physical form, the veteran knelt down beside her "Please forgive me Miss." He said in a soft whisper as he took a dagger and ran it across her neck. The next thing Shy knew she was walking up in a well lite bedroom, her body bandaged and wearing a light cotton nightgown. getting out of bed and looking at herself in the mirror, seeing her body covered in scars and burns, with a thin line across her neck. A knock on the door brought Shyielle back to the room, a chirurgeon entered the room and checked Shyielle's wounds, allowing Shyielle to head home. After making it home, Kiyomi and Lelehara both hugged their daughter "I'm fine...really I am." Shy said "Promise us you'll never do anything so foolish every again Shyielle!" Kiyomi scolded before picking up both her husband and her daughter and hugging them both together "At least you're safe." Lelehara said gently ruffling Shyielle's hair.Two years later after nearly making a full recovery, Shyielle became a fully fledged bounty hunter for the Centurio hunt clan, taking on some of the larger marks, other hunters refused to take, after fully join Shyielle found an injured griffin which she rescued and nursed back to health, the griffin becoming a fast companion and a mount for the Hunter.having turned 31 not but two months back Shyielle still hunts dangerous beast across the world, are you willing to join the Lalasune Huntress?

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Rp Info

Race: Lalasune
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Weight: 90lbs
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthplace: Gridania
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Patron Deity: Menphina